Social Welfare Job Recruitment
Social Welfare Job Recruitment 2022: Applications from eligible candidates are invited in the prescribed format for the hiring of services on a contractual basis for below-mentioned posts under One Stop Centre for Women (SAKHI) in District Pulwama.
Important Dates:
– Opening date of receipt of application forms: 26-08-2022
– Closing date of receipt of application forms: 12-09-2022
Vacancy details of Social Welfare Job Recruitment 2022:
1. Centre Administrator
Qualification: Masters in Law/Social Work/Sociology/Social Science/Psychology
Age Limit: 18-40 years
Salary: Rs. 40,000/-
2. Case Worker
Qualification: Bachelor’s in Law/Social Work?Sociology/Social Science/Psychology.
Age Limit: 18-40 years
Salary: Rs. 14,000/-
3. Para Legal Personnel/Lawyer
Qualification: Degree in Law
Age Limit: 18-40 years
Salary: Rs. 13,000/-
4. Para Medical Personnel
Qualification: Degree/Diploma in Para-Medics
Age Limit: 18-40 years
Salary: Rs. 10,000/-
5. Psycho-social counsellor
Qualification: Professional Degree in Psychiatry/Psychology/Neurosciences
Age Limit: 18-40 years
Salary: Rs. 22,000/-
6. Office Assistant
Qualification: Graduate with Diploma in Computers/IT etc
Age Limit: 18-40 years
Salary: Rs. 11,000/-
7. Multipurpose Staff/Cook: 03 Posts
Qualification: 10th
Age Limit: 18-40 years
Salary: Rs. 10,000/-
8. Security Guard: 03 Posts
Qualification: 10th
Age Limit: 18-40 years
Salary: Rs. 10,000/-
How to Apply?
Application forms complete in all respect along with self-attested copies of qualification/experience shall be submitted in the office of the District Social Welfare Officer Pulwama (Ex change road Dangerpora Pulwama) by or before 12-09-2022 during office hours
If you have any doubts. Please let me know